MF’s blog

MF’s Journal Entries

Hi. My name is American Coach Revolution 42T, but the aliens call me the “Millennium Falcon” for reasons I don’t understand. For the longest time, my system was in hibernation inside this warm building cared for by more of these two legged ETs. Several days ago, this biped and its smaller version boarded me without permission and launched us on a new adventure. I’ve decided to document this hostile takeover in the hopes my message will be received by others as a cautionary tale to avoid these hideous creatures.


Star Dates: July 27-29 Resurrection

Without notice, I was removed from my comfortable resting place and sent spinning down the road. It was clear these foriengers had no idea what they were doing. The little one was harmless, but the big ugly one was dangerous. Having no idea how to handle my delicate controls and systems, I felt this was going to be a short life for me. Our first stop was dark and cold. There were other similar ships in this area in a tight configuration. Leaving the next morning, the “Dad” was forced to use reverse thrusters for the first time, miraculously not damaging my hull in the process.

Our second stop was much nicer, with more space to stretch out. A few notes about my digestive system for those uneducated. I have several bladders that require relief periodically. The aliens, after much effort and discussion, were able to figure out the intake and outtake to my delight. Maybe this will work out after all.


The third resting spot required some advanced maneuvers in which a stranger name “John” grabbed the steering mechanism. He was powerful and decisive in his piloting, a welcome change from the other anthropoid. Having survived 1,500 miles with these new passengers, a well deserved rest was needed.


Star Dates: September 2 All Aboard!

The number of interlopers has grown to 4; two big ones, two little ones, and they have attached another craft to my backside. They are unable to figure out my onboard navigation system so I have no idea where we are heading. Not a good sign.


Houston, we have a problem! This idiot damaged one of my exhaust pipes requiring roadside maintenance work from an unqualified, unintelligent being. Thankfully, the repair didn’t need any skill to re-attach my equipment.


Houston, we have another problem! My left mirror and camera device was swinging in the wind. Unable to fix the simplest issues, the miscreant taped, yes TAPED, the sophisticated monitoring device in place. Will this tragedy ever end?

We finally landed in St. Augustine and docked at a lovely space port called Compass RV. The weather is warm and I hope to be here for an extended stay.


Star Date: September 6 Run!

All spaceships scrambled to avoid the impending storm called “Irma”. My desire to avoid travel has been interrupted and we have landed is this pasture called Wanee Lake Golf Resort. We hoped to be safe.


Star Date: September 7 Run Again!

No luck. The Irma storm has us on the run again. Docked in this very pleasant forest port (Prairie Creek COE) in hopes of avoiding Irma.


Star Date: September 12 Back Tracking

These fools landed us in the middle of the storm but decided to “honker down” while my hull was pelted by rain and debris. We survived undamaged, but the silver vessel I’m constantly dragging was damaged by a falling limb. There was another intrusion, this time by a much smaller beast, but in larger numbers. Ants, as they are called, invaded my body in the hundreds! We worked night and day fighting the infestation, but I imagine this battle will rage on for weeks. We stopped on our way back to a Florida at another pasture called Emerald Lake Resort. More ants…

Star Date: September 13 Warm again

We arrived at the International Park and Campground where it is warm and sunny. I hope we are here for a long time.


Star Date: September 18 On the road again?

Not a long stay and I’m beginning to wonder what these creatures are trying to accomplish. We are moving every couple of days. They must be fugitives! I’ll try to contact the local authorities to alert them of their presence. Location “Markham Park”. More bugs…


Star Date: October 1 Space Port Disney

I thought the fugitives were apprehended as they were vacant for 7 days, but alas, they returned and continued our running. Planet Disney is a unique and cosy location. Again, I hope this is for an extended stay.


Star Date: October 7 Still no sign of stopping

We continued are trek north through Florida stopping in Pine Lake Park. It is difficult to describe the number of bugs splattered on my face over the past 4 weeks. Cruel and unusually punishment.


Star Date: October 10 Abandoned again

Why, oh why do we continue this breakneck pace? This time, I’ve been abandoned in a strange parking lot with my systems turned completely off. I can see a large building called Beau Rivage. The struggle is real…


Star Date: October 14 Die Hard!

My complaints thus far have been relative to my unwanted passengers and their constant running, but this time, it is the road they have selected. “I-10” must be a code word for “the most terrible road ever constructed”. My brut strength and exceptional craftsmanship is the only reason we survived this ill advised route. Here in Lakeside Park where the creatures have dressed me in a “costume”. Embarrassing. I hope my friends don’t see this.


Star Date: October 23 Die Hard 2

I’d like to ask for your help. These halfwits picked “I-10” again and are determined to destroy me. Please call for help. Parked at Bayou Bend Resort. On a positive note, haven’t seen any ants in a few weeks.


Star Date: October 28 Die Hard with a Vengeance

Clearly, their need to outrun the authorities trumps my well being. I-10 again. This time, one of my circulating pumps in the Aquahot system was damaged and needed repair. Travelers World Space station provided a proper service technician to fix the damage created by these uncaring ETs.


To be continued…

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